Kundalini yoga is one of the oldest types of yoga. The origins of this form of yoga can be found in India around 3,000 BC. The aim of this type of yoga is to expand and stabilize self-awareness and the senses. Kundalini yoga consists of a mixture of meditation, physical exercises, breathing exercises and other deep relaxation techniques. As the exercises in this type of yoga are relatively simple, this style of yoga is suitable for beginners.
Waldbreitbach, Germany
from $1,092 / 6 Days
Dornbirn, Austria
from $683 / 4 Days
Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany
from $2,470 / 28 Days
from $187 / 3 Days
from $1,491 / 6 Days
Massa , Morocco
from $1,543 / 8 Days
Victoria, Malta
from $2,301 / 7 Days
from $1,465 / 8 Days
from $647 / 4 Days
Manerba del Garda, Italy
from $1,859 / 8 Days
from $854 / 5 Days
Steyr, Austria
from $1,214 / 7 Days
Montuïri, Spain
from $1,595 / 8 Days
Altenfelden , Austria
from $1,440 / 8 Days
Ibiza, Spain
from $2,569 / 7 Days
Steinfurt, Germany
from $253 / 3 Days
Soller, Spain
from $1,429 / 8 Days
Sóller, Spain
Wolfach, Germany
from $372 / 6 Days
Lechbruck am See, Germany
from $466 / 5 Days
from $347 / 4 Days
from $984 / 7 Days
Loulé, Portugal
from $1,449 / 6 Days
from $1,704 / 7 Days
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