Vini yoga is a gentler form of hatha yoga, also known as heart yoga. At the Viniyoga retreat you will practice many yoga postures, pranayama breathing, mantra chanting and meditation. Learn more about the spiritual side of yoga and adapt Viniyoga to your needs. Vini yoga therapy is the integration of breath and movement. This makes you feel more balanced and calm! Vini Yoga retreats are a great alternative to the usual vacation and allow you to rediscover yourself and your surroundings. Vini Yoga was invented by T.K.V. Desikachar. According to Desikachar, it is not a specific style of yoga, but a description of the application of yoga according to the individual needs of the yoga practitioner. Due to its individual character, Vini Yoga is very suitable for both advanced practitioners and beginners. They can perform the exercises according to their needs. To enhance the effect of the individual asanas, they complement each other. A specific sequence prepares the body for the target asana.
Montgaillard, France
from $1,087 / 6 Days
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Mondsee, Austria
from $616 / 5 Days
Möllenbeck, Germany
from $310 / 2 Days
Hünfeld, Germany
from $409 / 5 Days
Jüchen, Germany
from $242 / 3 Days
Altheim, Germany
from $305 / 5 Days
Aschau im Chiemgau, Germany
from $818 / 5 Days
Siedelsbrunn, Germany
from $411 / 4 Days
Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany
from $695 / 8 Days
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